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For a fast-track start to a career in z/OS systems programming, this is the course for you. In addition to providing a solid knowledge of z/OS, this course also teaches how to set up and customize a JES2 system and how to work with VTAM. The use of SMP/E is covered, and REXX is introduced. Students will learn how to use HCD panels to define complex configurations. The Workload Manager is covered, and students are also introduced to dump diagnostics
10 Days
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Week 1
Week 2
A sound understanding of mainframe concepts and the ability to use TSO/ISPF and JCL. This can be gained by attending z/OS Foundation Skills Boot Camp [MFBC]
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This comprehensive 'Boot Camp' course provides attendees with an accelerated learning approach to the operations role in a z/OS environment. The course is ideal for trainee and new operators who will be working in a z/OS environment. The hands-on lab exercises give students the opportunity to try out their newly gained skills immediately. On successfully completing this boot camp, attendees will have reached the skill level needed to enable them to efficiently and effectively carry out the tasks required of an operator in a z/OS environment.
9 Days
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This Boot Camp forms the core course of the z/OS curriculum. By attending, attendees will gain a solid foundation in the fundamental structure of z/OS, enabling further skills development in areas such as debugging, performance, installation and customization of the z/OS operating system. The first week concentrates on laying the ground rules of z/OS in terms of architecture, storage management; major z/OS control blocks and how to interpret them, and also introduces the major z/OS components. In the second week attendees learn the functions of the major z/OS components in considerable detail, and learn how the interaction of job, task, storage & data management provides service to the end user. This is done by following the sequence of events as a unit of work passes through the z/OS system from initial submission to completion
10 Days
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A good understanding of the z/OS environment, including TSO/ISPF and JCL. These skills can be gained by attending the courses TSO/ISPF Users' Workshop[MTSO], Boot Camp: z/OS JCL [TMTQ] and z/OS Concepts & Facilities [1011]
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This course teaches the coding of job control statements to execute programs and access datasets in a z/OS environment. It also shows how to write and test catalogued procedures. The second part of the course builds on the skills taught during the first three days, and teaches the exploitation of the important advanced features and facilities available in z/OS JCL. It also shows how JCL maintenance can be simplified in order to aid productivity
5 Days
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The ability to use TSO/ISPF and a basic knowledge of z/OS and its file structure. These skills can be gained by attending the courses TSO/ISPF Users' Workshop [MTSO] and z/OS Concepts & Facilities [1011]
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This course will provide attendees with an accelerated learning approach to the broad scope of z/OS data storage management. This boot camp is designed for anyone new to storage administration or anyone that requires a comprehensive understanding of the z/OS data storage discipline for their particular role within technical support. This course will provide an in-depth knowledge into the main concepts & methodologies that comprise storage management. Hands-on lab exercises will be included to allow students to apply their gained knowledge. Upon completion of this boot camp, attendees should have the required knowledge level that will allow them to implement the obtained skill set immediately into their data storage environment
10 Days
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A good understanding of the z/OS environment & have practical skills in using TSO/ISPF
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