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This course is designed for the novice developer or those with little or no experience of Java who require an introduction to the Java SE 8 language using a choice of IDE. Practical sessions make up a large part of the course, allowing students to quickly put into practice what is taught during the theory sessions. During these sessions attendees will build a simple but complete application.
Practical examples are used extensively, ranging from simple code 'snippets' to full applications with complete 'real world' functionality. These are supplied at the start of the course and it is encouraged that students execute and 'experiment' with these under the instructor's guidance as they are introduced. At the end of the course these examples will be available to take away, along with the attendees' own work.
3 Days
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On completing this course, attendees will be able to:
Attendees should be familiar with the Windows host environment. Knowledge of any programming language is advantageous, but not essential.
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This three-day course covers all major aspects of Java programming (up to and including Java SE 8) using a choice of IDE (Integrated Development Environment). It is designed for software developers and programmers who are already able to code simple Java applications, but who need to extend their knowledge with a greater understanding of the Java API.
The course is taught using a choice of IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). The skills needed to use this software are taught as part of the course. Development will be performed using Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Websphere Studio Application Developer, Rational Application Developer, Jbuilder, the Java Development Kit (JDK) plus a text editor.
Practical sessions make up a large part of the course, allowing attendees to practice the skills taught. During these sessions each attendee will build a complete application, gaining in complexity throughout the course. Practical examples are used extensively, ranging from simple code snippets to full applications with complete 'real world' functionality. These are supplied at the start of the course and each attendee is encouraged to execute and 'experiment' with these under the instructor's guidance as they are introduced. These examples are available to take away, along with the attendee's own work. The comprehensive Student Guide supplied is fully indexed serving as a useful reference tool long after the course has finished.
3 Days
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On completing this course, attendees will be able to:
An understanding of programming with Java or C++ is required. Students must be able to code simple Applications and Classes.
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This course is designed for software developers who are already familiar with Java. It provides in-depth knowledge of Server-side Java Programming. During the course attendees will write many Servlets, JavaBeans and JavaServer Pages that interact with HTTP clients and databases.
4 Days
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On completing this course, attendees will be able to:
A good understanding of the basic Java language and the more commonly used Java API classes. This knowledge can be gained by attending the JPWMF-Java SE Primer Workshop and JVPMF-Java SE Programming Workshop courses EC21.
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This course is designed to provide the software developer with a broad overview of the Java object-oriented approach. Developers will learn the key elements of object-oriented applications including classes, interfaces, attributes, objects, access levels, inheritance, and polymorphism.
Although this course does not instruct the developer on full detailed object-oriented design techniques, on completion of this course, developers will be ready to move on to more detailed Java training courses in a 'non-design' capacity.
1 Day
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On completing this course, attendees will be able to:
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