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This course has been designed and built for Auditors who come into contact (at any level) with IBM mainframe systems in their daily work. The course encompasses an overview of the z/OS mainframe computing environment, before focusing on the security implications of the environment, as relevant to auditors. Each stage of the course builds upon the previous one, enabling attendees to consolidate what has been learned and see how it will apply to their daily work.
5 Days
Private -Only
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Exposure to the technical computing environment at their organization.
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This course teaches how to use IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS effectively and confidently. IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS (IWSZ) is IBM's strategic product for scheduling and managing the enterprise's workload. The course introduces IWSZ and shows how to model the data center in OPC databases, how to schedule work in its Long Term Plan and manage work in the Current Plan. Advanced techniques including Special Resources, OPSTAT, SRSTAT, Event Triggered Tracking, Automatic Recovery, Restart & Cleanup and JCL Automation are covered.
3 Days
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The ability to use TSO/ISPF and a basic knowledge of JCL.
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This five-day Boot Camp course is the essential introduction to IBM's mainframe-based enterprise computing environment and its flagship operating system, z/OS. It introduces the concepts and terminology encountered and used by IS personnel every day, and explains them in an easily understandable manner.The concepts, facilities and use of TSO and IBM's Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) is taught during this week, with a focus on its functions for data editing and data set management. The week concludes with JCL. It teaches the coding of job control statements to execute programs and access data sets in a z/OS environment. Demonstrates how to write and test catalogued procedures
5 Days
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This ten-day Boot Camp course combines the essential introduction to the IBM Z Systems enterprise computing environment five-day foundation skills boot camp will further advanced subjects and skills.
The concepts, facilities and use of TSO and IBM's Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) are taught during the first five days, with a focus on the functions for data editing and dataset management. The week concludes with an introduction to z/OS Job Control Language (JCL). Attendees will be introduced to the coding of job control statements to execute programs and access datasets in a z/OS environment. They will also learn how to write and test catalogued procedures.
During the second week, ABEND Analysis and MVS Error Reporting & Dumps are covered, along with UNIX System Services, a RACF overview, and introductions to network security and z/OSMF.
Throughout both weeks the formal classroom teaching is combined with an engaging and progressive series of hands-on practical sessions using a variety of IBM utilities. This course is available for exclusive, one-company presentations.
5 Days
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