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Today more and more organizations are using RACF to control all aspects of Db2 security, not just the system as in the past. Now all internal security needs at both the system and data levels, such as access to Db2 for z/OS objects and data, are managed via RACF.
1 Day
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On completing this course, attendees will be able to:
A working knowledge of RACF and an understanding of Db2 for z/OS at a conceptual & terminological level.
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This comprehensive ten-day 'Boot Camp' course provides an accelerated learning approach to the mainframe RACF security environment. The course is ideal for both systems programmers & security Administrators. RACF is covered in great detail, along with its use with z/OS, DB2 and UNIX System Services. On successfully completing this boot camp, attendees will have reached the skill level needed to enable them to efficiently and effectively carry out the tasks required of a systems programmer or security administrator in a z/OS environment
10 Days
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A firm grounding in the mainframe computing environment, including skills in TSO and JCL
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